SUSScribe: What’s In A Name?
Since its inception, the quarterly alumni newsletter of our University has been scribed by the alumni, for the alumni. The re-naming of this newsletter was a collective effort too, with many alumni contributing their ideas. Coincidentally, “SUSScribe“, was proposed independently by the Director of the Office of Student and Alumni Relations, Ms. Evelyn Chong, and Mr. Dennis Tan, the ex-editor of the Newsletter Editorial Group, both with similar positive allusions. We bring you a brief description of this.
“SUSScribe” was originally derived from the word “subscribe”, which can be defined as an arrangement to receive something, typically a publication, regularly. A “SUSScriber” (“subscriber”) can synonymously be referred to as a supporter or advocate. The semantics of “SUSScribe” can be further unscrambled to form the words “SUSS” and “Scribe”.