Friday evening when many are ready to unwind and start the weekend, some 30 SUSS alumni enthusiastically participated in a data storytelling workshop. Held on 27 August 2021, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, the workshop was conducted virtually via Zoom, by presenters, Mr. Emmanual Tay and Mr. Dayang from Gen Infiniti Academy, who specialised in Immersive Technology, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing. Our alumni uncovered valuable knowledge on data storytelling techniques, which was packed within four segments.
We learnt that the global phenomena of using Big Data to gain business value and competitive advantage will continue to grow, as will opportunities associated with it, as more companies are going digital. Data storytelling can be done with 5 skills – understanding data, creating visuals, creating a plot, telling the story, and impacting a change.
In the first segment of the workshop, we were informed about the use of various visualisations to show relationship, comparison, distribution and compositions, other than the normal bar, pie and line charts. As for the second segment, using a case study, the speakers shared how to use the six steps of the Data Analysis Framework comprising Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Data Modelling, Data Evaluation and Data Deployment.
During the live demonstration in the third segment, sample data was presented in various formats – such as a geographical map – reflecting the total amount of sales in each country using the Tableau visualisation techniques to simplify the complex data. Lastly, the speakers spoke about the technical competencies (e.g. problem solving mindset and business proficiencies) and certification process needed for the career progression in this field, starting from the Data Visualiser, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Advanced Specialist to the AI Specialist. We were suitably impressed!
This was a wonderful session and we certainly look forward to having Gen Infiniti Academy again in the near future!