The weather embraced us in full light along with its heat on the morning of 6 August 2022. While quietness filled the air around the curbs and bends on Ubi, this was in no way a forewarning of the situation that awaited the volunteers at Cloud9, an event space sourced by Alumni Relations for this year’s Volunteers’ Dialogue Session.
As our volunteers entered the event space, they were greeted with a plethora of snacks to warm up their engines and a room filled with upbeat music to set the participative and joyous mood. Our volunteers were greeted with the perky introduction by Senior Manager, Ms. Eileen Tan.
As the volunteers had not met in person since the pandemic, this reunion kicked off with an update on SUSS’s developments. Alumni heard about the progress of our new campus development, leadership changes and other new initiatives that we have embarked on including the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Social Good (CESG). Our volunteers listened intently noting the progress and expressing interest in events that they would want to take part in as well.
The update was followed by a dialogue session to gather feedback and inputs on alumni development and engagement, moving forward. The aim was to be able to understand the needs of alumni better and this help us curate programmes and activities that can garner stronger support and participation.
There was an active contribution of ideas. Volunteers were given sheets of paper to collaborate on ideas to better integrate the alumni community and how Alumni Relations could pique their interest through activities and workshops. Ideas bounced across the ‘four’ walls of the room with discussions aplenty as our volunteers came together to serve one purpose – the alumni community. It was a sight that warmed our hearts, seeing this group of committed individuals earnestly sharing their thoughts and ideas. We saw that the spark to serve the alumni community was renewed.
After an hour of intense discussion, the volunteers were greeted with lunch catered by Tenderfresh, by Carterfresh Pte Ltd. As our volunteers enjoyed their food, they mingled and were able to catch up with each other, and also got to meet new friends outside their own volunteer groups.
The event venue, Cloud9, was specially selected as it came equipped with a foosball table, mahjong table, gaming consoles, and even a karaoke machine. It was our treat for our alumni. While some enjoyed new company over a game of mahjong, others belted it out on the karaoke machine. The quietness that was once felt when we entered the industrial area of Ubi was drowned out by laughter and singing (never mind that it may have sounded off-pitched at times). It was a Saturday well-spend, getting to see familiar faces, and getting to know new ones.
Here’s to more years of Alumni volunteerism! For those who are interested in becoming a volunteer or finding out more information on the Events Group and/or the Newsletter Editorial Group, email us at to join this community!